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Lowongan Kerja Cost Accounting Officer Tangerang terbaru hari ini

4 Minggu yang lalu
8-11 Juta

Bintang Toedjoe is a Kalbe Company that incorporated as Consumer Health Division of Kalbe Group.

Responsibilities :

  1. Perform monthly book closing activities for COGS, COGM, and Inventory.
  2. Prepare monthly reports related to COGS, COGM, and Inventory.
  3. Analyze the variance that arises from COGS, COGM, and inventory, as well as carry out follow-up and provide recommendations to related departments.
  4. Prepare presentation materials to management based on performance reports and analysis results.
  5. Involved in the budgeting and outlook preparation process (data coordination, calculations, analysis and presentation preparation).
  6. Carry out manufacturing cost control functions, and provide recommendations to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of expenditure in the manufacturing section.
  7. Carry out inventory control functions, through monitoring and periodic routine stock taking.
  8. Involved in yearly external audit data preparation.

Requirements :

  1. Bachelor Degree from Accounting, Finance, Tax.
  2. Minimum GPA 3.00/4.00.
  3. Minimum 2 years experience in Cost Accounting position.
  4. Deep understanding of Cost Accounting.
  5. Good Business Acumen & Data Analysis.
  6. Fluency in Excel functions.
  7. Good interpersonal skill.
  8. Good command in English.
  9. Knowledge & experience about data visualization (will be plus point).
Perhatian !!
  • Jika anda tertarik untuk melamar lowongan dari PT Bintang Toedjoe Silahkan klik tombol LAMAR SEKARANG dibawah ini.
  • PT Bintang Toedjoe Tidak memungut biaya apapun terkait rekrutmen lowongan kerja diatas.
  • Apabila Menemukan Indikasi Penipuan. Silahkan dilaporkan ke admin Disini

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