Cari Loker ...

Lowongan Kerja Bekasi terbaru Secondary School Biology Teacher

2 Bulan yang lalu
4-6 Juta

Sekolah Victory Plus is a school under Yayasan Pendidikan dan Bahasa Victory which was established on May 18, 1998 as the first IB school in Kota Bekasi.

Role Statement

  1. preparing and delivering lessons to a range of classes of different ages and abilities that are engaging;
  2. marking work, giving appropriate feedback and maintaining records of students’ progress and development;
  3. supporting students to become responsible for their own lean
  4. researching new topic areas, maintaining up-to-date subject knowledge, and devising and writing new curriculum materials;
  5. selecting and using a range of different learning resources and equipment including the usage of Information and Communication Technology ;
  6. undertaking pastoral care that supports holistic approach to students welfare on school premises;
  7. preparing students for assessments and external examinations;
  8. managing student behavior in the classroom and on school premises, and applying the appropriate school disciplinary procedures in cases of misbehavior;
  9. ensuring Managbac is kept uptodate regarding planning and assessment.
  10. explicitly teach the designated ATL skills within context
  11. model the IB learner profile attributes
  12. practicing mindfulness at the start of each lesson
  13. participating in and organizing programs, events and competitions related to their subjects;
  14. liaising with the Inclusion Support Team to implement recommendations from team including following an modification e.g. IEP
  15. participating in departmental meetings, conferences with parents and whole school training events;
  16. liaising with other professionals, such as learning mentors, careers and guidance counselor;
  17. model the language of instruction (Bahasa Indonesian, Mandarin & Korean teachers should model their languages)
  18. undergoing regular observations and participating in lesson studies either within the same subject group or across the subject as part of continuing professional development (CPD);
  19. developing and continuously updating professional portfolio.
  20. consistently demonstrate Accomplished when reviewed in reference to the SVP Teaching Standards.


Job Expectations :

  • All applicants must hold a minimum of a Bachelor Degree qualification from Biology Department
  • Excellent English skills.
  • Minimum has three years of working experience, especially in IB World School
  • A passion for teaching young children
  • Engaging and inspiring
  • Willingness to grow and develop to become an outstanding teacher
  • Growth Mindset
  • Previous experience preferable
  • 21st century teaching skills
  • High level of technology skills
Perhatian !!
  • Jika anda tertarik untuk melamar lowongan dari Yayasan Pendidikan dan Bahasa Victory (Sekolah Victory Plus) Silahkan klik tombol LAMAR SEKARANG dibawah ini.
  • Yayasan Pendidikan dan Bahasa Victory (Sekolah Victory Plus) Tidak memungut biaya apapun terkait rekrutmen lowongan kerja diatas.
  • Apabila Menemukan Indikasi Penipuan. Silahkan dilaporkan ke admin Disini

Lowongan Kerja Sejenis

Part Time Guru Tari Tangerang Tahun Ajaran 2024 – 2025

Yayasan Tunas Manunggal Tangerang
4 Minggu yang lalu
3-4 Juta

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Sekolah Alam Hamalatul Quran Amanah Malang Malang
1 Bulan yang lalu
3-5 jt

Lowongan Kerja Bekasi terbaru Secondary School General Design Teacher

Yayasan Pendidikan dan Bahasa Victory (Sekolah Victory Plus) Bekasi
2 Bulan yang lalu
4-6 Juta

Lowongan Kerja Bekasi Terbaru Secondary School English (Expat) Teacher

Yayasan Pendidikan dan Bahasa Victory (Sekolah Victory Plus) Bekasi
4-6 Juta
3-4 Juta

Loker Guru B Inggris Di Mi Tahfidz Al Asyhar Malang

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Tahfidz Al Asyhar Malang