Cari Loker ...

Lowongan Kerja Admin Staff Jakarta Barat 2024

Rp 6.999.998

PT. YOFC INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA (YII) is a foreign company based in Indonesia which has maincore business in fiber optic cable.


  • Answering customer inquiries, scheduling meetings, and sales appointments, and following up with customers about their project status
  • Carry out data processing in the form of MS Excel.
  • Scheduling customer meetings and conferences.
  • Obtain data from customers that is needed for the project
  • Create presentation materials in PPT form, related to the project and data


  • Minimum diploma degree or equivalent in marketing, business, or a related field
  • Experience in administration and high-volume office work may be advantageous.
  • Strong analytical, organizational, and time management skills.
  • Excellent teamwork, motivational, interpersonal, communication, and customer service skills.
  • Proficiency in Ms Office with good familiarity with data analysis
  • Good communication in English
Perhatian !!
  • Jika anda tertarik untuk melamar lowongan dari PT YOFC International Indonesia Silahkan klik tombol LAMAR SEKARANG dibawah ini.
  • PT YOFC International Indonesia Tidak memungut biaya apapun terkait rekrutmen lowongan kerja diatas.
  • Apabila Menemukan Indikasi Penipuan. Silahkan dilaporkan ke admin Disini

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